Χαϊκάλη Ωλενίας (ΒΙ.ΠΕ. Πάτρας)
25200, Πάτρα
2610 647147
2610 314540

Retroreflective membranes (3M) types I, II, III

Retroreflective Membrane type Ι (3ΜTMEngineer Grade)

(Internal Glassies Technology)

It is based on Internal Glassies Technology and is primarily utilised in low-light areas, as well as in areas of low traffic levels of urban or sub-urban road system.

Qualified by the European Norm EN 12899-1 Type Ι.

Available colours: White, yellow, red, blue, green, brown, orange.

Guarantee: 7 years

Retroreflective Membrane type ΙΙ (3ΜΤΜ High Intensity Grade Prismatic)

Adhesive Membrane of high retroreflectivity with microprisms, suitable for Road Signs type ΙΙ.

It is characterised by rhombus shapes, the vertical and horizontal stripes of the material, as well as the existence of gray stripes throughout its whole surface.

It also carries the discrational sign 3Μ Cl2 10 Years and a production code in its surface.

Qualified by the Greek specs Σ-311 and the European Norm ΕΝ 12899-1.

Available colours: White, yellow, red, blue, green, orange. 

Guarantee: 10 ετών

Retroreflective Membrane type ΙΙI  (3MTM Diamond Grade )

The adhesive Membrane of highest retroreflectivity Diamond Grade.

  • It is of prismatic structure, resulting to at least three times more luminant than High Intensity Membrane , and up to ten times more luminant than Engineer Grade Membrane.
  • It reflects in angles up to 60ο, achieving this way greater flexibility in the Signs’ placement.
  • It is the most luminar Membrane available in the Market.

Fulfills the qualifications of N.G.G. (Newspaper of Greek Government) 953Β/24-10-97 Type ΙII for urban and sub-urban Road Systems, and also for Freeways and high speed roads.

Colours: White, yellow, red, blue, green, fluorescent yellow, fluorescent green

Guarantee: 12 years