Χαϊκάλη Ωλενίας (ΒΙ.ΠΕ. Πάτρας)
25200, Πάτρα
2610 647147
2610 314540

Project signs

Project Signs are used in order to inform in terms of the Contractor and special data regarding project’s cost estimation, exact title of the project, the Department that Supervises the project, and the funding of the project.

Especially Signs that are funded by the European Eunion comply with the Regulation 621-2004 “Application rule ΕΚ-1164-94 by the European Council, concerning information and publicity measures regarding the actions of the Fund of Cohesion”. According to this regulation:

 (law article 8 /§2): ” When a project is funded from the Fund of Cohesion there is a sign placed, that includes apart of the project’s description, the elements that are mentioned in article n.4. Those elements have to cover at least 25% of the total Sign’s space”.

(law article 4) : “… Actions and means of information and publicity include apart of the project’s description the following information :

α) An elaboration under the form of the following, or any other equivalent, sentence, that clarifies the role of the European Eunion to the project’s implementation:

” This project contributes to the reduction of financial and social inequalities among the citizens of the European Eunion” 

b) The European Flag, followed by the following, or any other equivalent, sentence:

“This project is funded by the European Eunion” 

The responsibility for the compliance to the speculations belongs solely to the project’s Contractor.